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WordPress Malware Removal Service - WordPress Design Fix

WordPress Malware Removal Service

Is Your WordPress Site Hacked?

Don't worry we'll fix your site now. 100% Guaranteed!

One Time Malware Removal for just $19

We'll fix all malware issues on your site for an affordable fee of $19

We Fix all Malware Issues

If your WordPress website is hacked, down broken, we always fix it

30 Days Guarantee

After cleaning your site, we will secure it to prevent your site from being hacked again

Find Out What Our WordPress Malware Removal Service Includes

Malware Removal Services

Malware infections are increasingly becoming a problem, with small businesses and the end-user being hit the hardest.

Malware is used to gain illegal access into the back end of a website where attackers can alter your website, damage your company’s reputation and steal private customer data. More importantly, malware infection can lead to your website being blacklisted

WordPress Design Fix are here to ensure that any malware that finds its way onto your site has minimal impact on your business as well as your customers.

We will analyze your website to detect and identify any malware infection among your website’s files or in your database. We will assess the damage and use an approach that won’t affect your core files.

We will also determine how your website was attacked so that steps can be taken to correct any vulnerabilities.

Check to see if your site is already blacklisted

Full website scan to find out what’s infected

Clean or replace infected files

We'll instruct you on how to change your passwords to protect from further intrusions

Report on files infected and cleaned or replaced

We'll install Security plugins on your site future protection

we are here to help manage your website even after cleaning your site

After we've fixed your website, you may want to subscribe to one of our Ongoing WordPress Support and Maintenance Plans. The decision is all yours to make. Check our Ongoing WordPress Support & Maintenance Packages.

We're Experts in all Areas of WordPress and More

These clients had similar issues with their sites. Today they are happy!

This is what they are Saying

Did you know that a hacked or broken website can crumble your business

Is Your Website Hacked or Broken? Don’t wait anymore. Contact us and We’ll fix it for you. You’d pay us only after your website is fixed, $19.

Get all Malware Removed from your site right away

Fill the Form below and Let us take care of any WordPress fixes on your website*