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Woocommerce Checkout Editor - WordPress Design Fix


A WooCommerce Add-on plugin to add Custom fields to the WooCommerce Checkout page
Developed by: Djouonang Landry (PHP and Web Developer with Experience developing plugins for WordPress and designing responsive websites )


doodle-2 doodle-1 doodle-1

1.Modal Pop Up to Build Custom Fields

Build custom fields from an intuitive interface using modal pop up forms

3. Billing, Shipping and Additional Notes Section

You can add custom fields after billing section, shipping section and additional notes section

5. Enable/Disable Custom Fields

 Custom fields can be disabled and re-enabled as needed. Disabled custom fields will not show up on the checkout page.

7. Disable and Enable Default Fields - Coming soon

Coming soon….

2. Displayed in Order Email

Custom field values are displayed in your order email under a custom extra details section.

4. Custom Form Field Types

The custom field types are: text, type, email, phone and textarea. More form field types coming soon.

6. Product Inquiry Feature - Coming soon

Coming soon….

Why Choose Woocommerce Checkout Editor?