Warning: Declaration of FW_Auto_Install_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($string) should be compatible with WP_Upgrader_Skin::feedback($feedback, ...$args) in /home/www/wordpressdesignfix.com/wp-content/themes/seocify/inc/includes/sub-includes/auto-setup/class-fw-auto-install.php on line 1257 Terms and Conditions - WordPress Design Fix
WordPress Design Fix offers unlimited number of revisions for client projects as long as the approved design is not changed. You will not pay additional charges for these revisions if the approved design concepts are not changed.
You will have your revised logo design in 48 hours. While all website design revisions will be delivered in 24 hours and all web development revisions will be delivered between 24 to 48 hours (depending on the revision complexity).
Quality Assurance Policy
We do our best to meet your requirements and our designers do their best to fulfill your expectations.
We believe in providing best designs and each of our designs is well researched and well crafted.
Our unlimited revisions policy is to make sure that you are 100% satisfied.
We aim at exceeding your expectations and strive to accomplish it.
We do not stop our revisions until you are completely satisfied with your website.
Web Design Delivery Policy
The turnaround time for the completion of your website varies from project to project. The duration will be determined after complete analysis of your requirements and will be stated in the web design contract.
Record Maintenance
WordPress Design Fix keeps the records of finalized designs, whole website backup up to three months after project delivery so that in case of any issues, your website can quickly be restored.
If however you are subscribed to one of our monthly website care plans, we’ll be doing regular backup of your website as stipulated in our Website care plans
Customer Support
Our customer support is present 24/7 to answer all of your concerns and queries, our team will answer your concerns anytime and every time.