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Top Web Apps Development Trends To Watch Out in the year 2019 - WordPress Design Fix

Top Web Apps Development Trends To Watch Out in the year 2019

Web application development is no longer as it used to be in the past. It has evolved rapidly over the years and is still getting better day by day. What was prevalent yesterday, might have become obsolete today. Considering the present scenario, it has become essential to keep pace with the ever-changing market trends and the evolving needs of the consumers. In this informative post, we’ll dive deep into the top web application development trends that you should watch out in 2019.

1. Progressive Web App

Progressive Web App, commonly known as PWA is a web application (website) that uses modern web technologies to deliver an app-like experience. It is a popular technology that is expected to be in trend in 2019 and will be a strong competitor of native mobile applications. The best part of a PWA is that it looks similar to native mobile apps, loads instantly and has the ability to work without an internet connection. That’s why it is anticipated to be a popular web application development trend.

PWA is renowned for its user experience. The Washington Post and the eCommerce giant, Flipkart are also providing the PWA experience to their users, which has significantly improved the conversions as well as user engagement on all the platforms.

2. AR (Augmented Reality) & VR (Virtual Reality)

The emergence of AR and VR is another web development trend that is going to become popular in 2019. All the social networks will be soon integrating augmented reality and virtual reality into their business models. For instance, Snapchat, a popular social networking application has opted for AR and VR feature, which allows the users to create & add their own Bitmoji and project their products through the application’s camera. As a brand, you can also leverage this feature and project your products across all the social platforms.

Both augmented reality and virtual reality are transforming the user-experience in the digital world. Generally, AR and VR are employed together to create an immersive experience. In other words, when blended together, they open up the worlds – both virtual and real alike.

3. Motion UI

Believe it or not, Motion UI is being considered to become a popular web application development trend in the coming years, since it gives simplicity to a website. Today, many netizens have become tired of seeing flash and GIFs advertisements. That’s why web developers are designing websites and applications with minimalist design as it gets maximum engagement and appreciation.

Through Motion UI, web developers can add a new life to a dull and boring website. Here sophisticated animations will allow the developers to add styling and make a website stand out among thousands of other websites.


In this post, we have mentioned the top web app development trends that will be in trend in 2019. By adopting them, you can benefit your business in many ways. These new ways help you retain and foster the relationship with the existing customers and attract the new ones.

Are you ready to leverage these trends? If so, hire dedicated web developers from glowebby and convert your idea into reality. Connect with the experts today by dropping an email to info@glowebby.com

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